View Current Pending Submissions
Here is where you can submit a story for the NetArt Commons Editors to peer at it, poke it with a stick, and perhaps post it for all to share and enjoy. It is very important that you write a clear simple subject, and include relevant links in your story. If you wish to be anonymous, feel free to leave the identifying fields blank. Anonymity has no effect on whether we will accept or reject the story.
Your Name (Leave Blank to be Anonymous)
Your Email or Homepage (Where Users Can Contact You)
Subject (Be Descriptive, Clear and Simple!) (bad subjects='Check This Out!' or 'An Article'. We get many submissions each day, and if yours isn't clear, it will be deleted.)
Topic and Section NetArtCommons (Almost everything should go under Articles)
The Scoop (HTML is fine, but double check those URLs and HTML tags!) (Are you sure you included a URL? Didja test them for typos?)
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