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La obra de Knowbotic Research, acusada de operaciones de vigilancia no autorizada
posted by steve on Thursday June 20, @06:22PM   

La obra de Knowbotic Research, acusada de operaciones de vigilancia no autorizada


Los sistemas de control y las tecnologías de vigilancia se han convertido en uno de los principales temas de debate tras el 11-S, incluso en el arte.

La obra Mind of Concern: Breaking News del colectivo suizo Knowbotic Research, ha sido censurada tras 10 días de exposición en el New Museum de Nueva York.

La obra se basa en un programa que identifica los fallos de seguridad en los servidores de Internet, que en esta ocasión estaba provocadoramente dirigido hacia ONG y organizaciones de activistas antiglobalización, en vez de contra multinacionales.La instalación sigue en el New Museum y en red, pero el programa ha sido desactivado por el proveedor de Internet, bajo la acusación de llevar a cabo operaciones de vigilancia no autorizada.

La obra forma parte de Open_Source Art Hack (OSAH) una exposición presentada en Nueva York por Steve Dietz, conservador de Media Art del Walker Art Center de Minneápolis.

'OSAH quiere reconducir el fenómeno del hacking a su esencia, a través de una serie de artistas que utilizan estas técnicas como una estrategia de resistencia electrónica creativa, y no por su poder destructivo', afirma Dietz.

Muchas de las obras presentes son una respuesta a la psicosis generada por los atentados del 11 de septiembre, como el Carnivore Art Project del grupo RSG, que convierte en una aplicación creativa el programa homónimo del FBI para colarse por Internet. Otras reflexionan sobre la intimidad en la red como Tracenoizer del colectivo LAN, que ofrece al usuario la posibilidad de crearse personalidades alternativas falseando las informaciones que aparecen de él en Internet.

Superchannel, June 13-16, 2002


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  • Walker Art Center
  • Carnivore
  • New Museum of Contemporary Art
  • Knowbotic Research
  • LAN
  • Steve Dietz
  • http://www.elpais.es/suple/cib erpais/articulo.html?xref=2002 0530elpcibtec_8&type=Tes&d_dat e=20020530&anchor=elpcibtec
  • More on Open_Source_Art_Hack
  • Also by steve

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    La obra de Knowbotic Research, acusada de operaciones de vigilancia no autorizada | Login/Create an Account | Top | 2 comments | Search Discussion
    The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
    according to babelfish, (Score:0)
    by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 21, @05:02PM ( #26)
    The work of Knowbotic Research, defendant of operations of monitoring nonauthorized
    http://www.elpais.es/suple/ciberpais/articulo.html ?xref=20020530elpcibtec_8&type=Tes&d_date=20020530 &anchor=elpcibtec
    The systems of control and the technologies of monitoring have become one of the main subjects of debate after 11-S, even in the art. The Mind work of Concern: Breaking News of the Swiss group Knowbotic Research, has been censured after 10 days of exhibition in the New Museum of New York. The work is based on a program that identifies the failures of security in the servants of Internet, that in this occasion provokingly was directed towards ONG and organizations of activists antiglobalización, instead of against multinacionales.La installation follows in the New Museum and network, but the program has been deactivated by the supplier of Internet, under the accusation to carry out operations of nonauthorized monitoring. The work comprises of Open_Source Art Hack (OSAH) a exhibition presented/displayed in New York by Steve Dietz, conservative of Art Average of the Walker Art Center de Minneápolis. ' OSAH wants to lead back the phenomenon of hacking to their essence, through a series of artists who use these techniques like a strategy of creative electronic resistance, and not by their power destructivó, she affirms Dietz. Many of present works are an answer to the psychosis generated by the attacks of the 11 of September, like the Carnivore Art Project of the group RSG, that turns a creative application the program homónimo of the FBI to strain itself by Internet. Others reflect on the privacy in the network like Tracenoizer of the collective LAN, that offers to the user the possibility of being created alternative personalities falseando the information that appear of him in Internet.
    ala babelfish (Score:1, Interesting)
    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday July 09, @04:19AM ( #28)
    The work of Knowbotic Research, defendant of operations of monitoring nonauthorized R. BOSCO/S. CALDANA http://www.elpais.es/suple/ciberpais/articulo.html ?xref=20020530elpcibtec_8&type=Tes&d_date=20020530 &anchor=elpcibtec

    The systems of control and the technologies of monitoring have become one of the main subjects of debate after 11-S, even in the art. The Mind work of Concern: Breaking News of the Swiss group Knowbotic Research, has been censured after 10 days of exhibition in the New Museum of New York. The work is based on a program that identifies the failures of security in the servants of Internet, that in this occasion provokingly was directed towards ONG and organizations of activists antiglobalización, instead of against multinacionales.

    La installation follows in the New Museum and network, but the program has been deactivated by the supplier of Internet, under the accusation to carry out operations of nonauthorized monitoring. The work comprises of Open_Source Art Hack (OSAH) a exhibition presented/displayed in New York by Steve Dietz, conservative of Art Average of the Walker Art Center de Minneápolis. ' OSAH wants to lead back the phenomenon of hacking to their essence, through a series of artists who use these techniques like a strategy of creative electronic resistance, and not by their power destructivó, she affirms Dietz.

    Many of present works are an answer to the psychosis generated by the attacks of the 11 of September, like the Carnivore Art Project of the group RSG, that turns a creative application the program homónimo of the FBI to strain itself by Internet. Others reflect on the privacy in the network like Tracenoizer of the collective LAN, that offers to the user the possibility of being created alternative personalities falseando the information that appear of him in Internet.

    Ornithology is for the birds as criticism is for the artists. -- trude. ;-)

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